Jan 16th, 2022
Flor-Diamond screenshot
Our Invetment: $130.00
Payout Ratio: 19%
Last Payout: Feb 18th, 2022
Discussion: ISP
Min/Max: 100 / No Limit
Withdrawal: Manual
Lifetime: 36 days
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Invest Plans:1% daily for 200 days with Flor Token Staking
Referral program:6%-3%-1%
36 days
Support: Support E-mail
Tether Ethereum
The Business Opportunity Club was created to accumulate financial resources in order to make a profit and ensure the well-being and solvency of its members. The best offers on the financial market are not available to a private investor, since the entry threshold for them exceeds the capabilities of one person. By uniting in a single community, Flor Diamond Club members get access to the most profitable and reliable areas - high-tech sectors of the economy. Funds are used exclusively in legal activities in companies in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, the European Union, China, Africa and a number of other countries, with mandatory compliance with all requirements of the legislation of the relevant regions, tax and insurance obligations. Flor Diamond Club is a community of like-minded people, where the participants themselves can manage financial flows: everyone has the opportunity to enter the Club's board and propose their investment projects.
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DISCLAIMER: is a group of like-minded investors in 2015 in Southeast Asia to establish an online cooperation group. We are committed to looking for high-risk investments in all networks (That is high profits). Expose the liar website. Share and analyze the risks of the various investment industries. We through real-time investment to monitor the HYIP website internal situation to provide you with instant messaging. According to our website statistics, more than a thousand people enter and there are thousands of people leave every day. Investors who earn profits in this industry are actually a small part. We suggests that investors only invest own affordable funds. Do not have gamblers mentality. Our view is for reference only, whether you profit or loss, have nothing to do with the us..
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