Dec 29th, 2021
Yieldnodes screenshot
Our Invetment: $600.00
Payout Ratio: 52%
Last Payout: Sep 2nd, 2022
Discussion: ISP
Min/Max: 530 / No Limit
Withdrawal: Manual
Lifetime: 1132 days
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Invest Plans:5-20% month , Deposit locked for 6 months
Referral program:5%
340 days
Support: Support E-mail
Tether Bitcoin
YieldNodes is a complex, multi-tiered Node rental program based on the new blockchain-based economy 249.85% In essence, revenue is generated through a combination of master-noding, price gains and services that work in unison to leverage each other in their own ecosystem . Since inception, YieldNodes has not only grown considerably, but has also encompassed other areas to stabilize and leverage revenue. These include its own listed cryptocoin, its own decentralized exchange, and a crypto-denominated shopping area. Further services, cooperations and business cases are in progress. Started as a side project in 2018, YieldNodes entered an extensive beta phase with a group of hand-picked early-adoptors at the end of October 2019. Over the next 24 months (beta-testing and live operation), YieldNodes generated a return of 257.9% for those participants – despite the Corona crisis.

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